Art: an Ace Up the Engineers’ Sleeve

by Anna Grochowska

Art: an Ace Up the Engineers’ Sleeve

The world is facing a crisis like no other before, one that is putting at stake the very likeliness of a viable future. And never in the history of humanity has there been so much need for the urgent development and implementation of technologies fit to address the multiple facets of this unprecedented challenge: environmental, social, economic, demographic, ethical.

Such an exceptional state of affairs calls for creativity, flexibility, breadth of outlook, a deep sense of purpose and, more than ever, the capacity to combine multiple disciplines, including those pertaining to the arts and humanities. We, at Vadviam, strongly believe that it is at the juncture of these seemingly distant realms – science and technology on one side, art and the humanities on the other – that the ideas and courses best suited to our fragilized world can be found and brought to fruition.

More and more, the professionals and businesses involved in the technological sphere are embracing this view, or at least getting a sense that this is the way to go. Vadviam has been created to encourage and consolidate, through its range of resources and services, this highly promising – and critical – momentum.

The necessary alliance

Edwin Herbert Land, the scientist and inventor who co-founded the Polaroid Corporation, once said: “Industry is at best at the intersection of science and art.”

Art has fulfilled, in every era, a wide variety of functions: building narratives through words and images, satisfying our want of motivation and purpose, providing ways to convey meaning and values, fostering creativity and experimentation.

Over the past few decades, there has been ample evidence that by throwing bridges across culture gaps and linking up with the arts and humanities, environmental technology enterprises can reap a wide range of benefits. Those advantages include, but are not limited to:

  • Improving the understanding, public acceptance and societal tenability of innovative technologies;
  • Nurturing team motivation, responsiveness and a sense of purpose at all levels of business development and commercial deployment;
  • Enhancing creativity, lateral thinking and the retention of knowledge within the enterprises.

At the nexus of our right and left brains: this is where our fragilized world, in our view, will now find the solutions and dedication it urgently needs.

We are always open for dialogue on how to address your specific needs and provide support for your projects. To discover more about how can we work together, contact us.

“The most remarkable technological innovation occur when small teams of people are free to explore the outer limits of their imaginations.“

Dr. Eric Schmidt

Art: an ace up the engineers' sleeve

Woman with a scarf, Carnavalet Museum, History of Paris. Painting in public domain.

About us

Vadviam connects knowledge of environmental matters with a passion for social progress. By combining years of experience in industrial decarbonisation with novel approaches to articulating sustainability, we help companies to enhance and communicate their performance in this field.

Can we help in your sustainability efforts?

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